Andre Tiltman

Andre Tiltman

🤓🎸 Musician and Computer Nerd

Bill Knight

Songpoet, Capetown, South Africa. Bill is a local legend performing for years with his band the “old dogs” Bill owns a live music venue called the “Cottage Club” where he hosts performances from the local music scene. Playlist

Skaters guide to Fish Hoek

After making bank this weekend competing in dare’s, the money was burning a whole through his pocket. Not wanting to loose another pair of pants he announces “We’re going to the shops”. This kid however is pretty street wise so…

Lovely Kalk Bay Harbour Calendar

Seascape photography taken at Kalk Bay Harbour by International Award Winning Photographer Andrew J. Hewett Linktree Order Lovely Kalk Bay Harbour Business Directory The lovely Kalk Bay Harbour Calendar is funded via the support of the following businesses.


URGENT MESSAGE FROM F&R COORDINATORREF BOYES DRIVE FIRE This fire has moved rapidly. It has taken 30minutes to burn the entire mountain length.The head of the fire is now on ou kaapse weg.Please refrain from sight seeing as visibility is…

Fish Hoek Taxi Rank

Not knowing your way around an area can be quite stressful. We hope to make your travels less of a daunting task by providing you with information on how to travel. Pricing Fish Hoek – Masi : R15 Fish Hoek…