Valley Community Server Improved Stability

The “Valley Community” Server is now more stable than my mental health.

We have been experiencing major down time over the past few weeks due to the increased frequency of load shedding. The “Valley Community” server is an open source server housed at my residents in Fish Hoek. When loadshedding hits my house is without power making it difficult to keep the server up and running. The server will remain down during loadshedding however I have made some improvements getting the server back online when the power returns.

The “Valley Community” server houses many community resources like events, news and a business directory. In the future I would like to invest in a UPS to keep my internet up and running when my house is without power.

If you find the “Valley Community” Website is down when there is no loadshedding please report it on the “Valley Community” Whatsapp Group. For more information on loadshedding or to get the latest schedule please refer to this blog post

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